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Humility: The Holiest Virtue

“The top honor of heaven, the true heavenly mindedness, the most precious of the virtues, is humility. Whoever then humbles himself as this child, he is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.”

Merry Christmas and a happy new year to all of my dear friends and family reading this. I pray this season has been filled with joyful reflection on Christ’s birth and hopeful anticipation for he will do in 2024. 

Since becoming a mother, the story of Jesus’ birth has ministered to me in an entirely new way. Maybe the mothers who are reading this already know what I mean. I was brought to tears this year reading Luke chapters 1-3 while holding little Hudson in my arms. What must it have been like for Mary, a girl likely 14-16 years of age, hearing the words of Gabriel: “You have found favor with God.” Immediately the angel speaks words of comfort to her very being. I imagine the fear, excitement and wonder Mary must have felt upon being told she would bear a son, the very Savior of the world. Could she have even begun to comprehend all what this meant? And yet she treasured these things in her heart, silently resolving to be obedient no matter her fears or what others thought of her. 

Having just recently been 9 months pregnant, I can’t fathom what it must have been like for Mary as she rode on a donkey from Galilee to Bethlehem, which scholars estimate is a four day journey, traveling 8 hours each day… At this point of pregnancy for me, even riding in a car was uncomfortable let alone the back of a donkey! Yet this is what it looked like practically to be “highly favored” and “blessed among women.” 

I think what has ministered to me the most this year in meditating on the Nativity story is just how real, humble and incredibly human the experience was. There was no grand entrance for the Savior of the world. It certainly was less than ideal circumstances… Yet this is how the Father in His sovereignty willed it to be. I realize now just how difficult this calling was on Mary’s life especially being a teenager. Yet she responded with “Here I am. I am the Lord’s servant; let it be as you have told me.” The countless sleepless nights nursing baby Jesus, caring for him as he cried and fussed. There’s no mention of this in scripture, no credit or recognition given. In fact, nothing is mentioned of Mary for the next 12 years (Luke 2:39-42). There was an unseen obedience and holiness in her mundane life. Doing the laundry, cooking for Joseph and Jesus, caring for her ever growing family. All of it was an act of worship. Truly, what she did unto the least of these, she did unto God himself. 

The same is applicable for us today. How can we as women of God glorify him in our ordinary lives? By humbly serving our families with the right attitude just as Jesus came to serve and wash the feet of others. How can you, man of God, be a living sacrifice unto Him? By humbly loving, providing for and leading your family. Every day is a new opportunity to serve, love, and walk in holiness whether you’re on the mission field ministering to lost souls or in the States patiently homeschooling your children or inviting that new family from church over for dinner. Whatever it is God has called you to, do it unto the Lord with no expectation for recognition or fame. Then your Father in heaven who sees what is done in secret will be glorified. 

“May God teach us to believe that to be humble, to be nothing in His presence, is the highest attainment, and the fullest blessing of the Christian life. ‘I dwell on a high and holy place, and also with the contrite and lowly of spirit’ (Isaiah 57:15). Be this our portion! Oh, to be emptier, lowlier, meek, unnoticed, and unknown, And to God a vessel holier, filled with Christ, and Christ alone.” - Andrew Murray: The Beauty of Holiness


Christmas Carols

Hello everyone! This past month we went Christmas caroling around our base community. We handed out gifts and gospel tracts as well. The neighbors had a blast and were very blessed by this simple act of love. We pray that our favor amongst the community would continue to grow and that the name of Jesus would spread further amongst the peoples here.

Hudson is Two Months Old!

The adorable coo’s and babble from Hudson are increasing as he grows in size. Currently he is at 5.5kg (12.1 lbs) and is beginning to outgrow his infant clothes. It’s a beautiful yet bittersweet feeling to realize he is growing up so quickly. God is teaching Makayla and I to enjoy the moments we have together-even if that means dirty diapers!

Don and Gee’s First Christmas Gifts

We’ve known Don and Gee (Muslim friends) for over a year now. Recently they spontaneously showed up at our home and asked so many wholesome questions regarding the validity of scripture and how we [Christians] are able to rely on the validity of scripture. This question was prompted by some Jehovah’s witnesses that had visited their home and were slandering Christianity.  Thankfully, because we have a deep relationship with them so they came to us right away. It’s amazing to think that they did not go to a Mosque imam (religious leader in Islam) but instead came to us. We were then able to answer questions and explain who the JW’s were. We are beyond grateful that the cult will not have any influence over Don and Gee and that they are deepening in their knowledge of the scriptures. Lastly, Makayla and I visited them for Christmas and gave them a couple gifts including these flowers. They were the first Christmas gifts from Christians that they had ever received.

Christmas Party!

We finished off the year as a team gathered together to eat dinner, play games, open gifts, and celebrate the birth of Jesus! If you look at the picture closely, you can see Hudson in my arms having such a great time that he wanted to shout and tell the whole south-of-Thailand just how beautiful Jesus is.

Prayer Requests

Please Click the photo to view and download our updated prayer request. Thank you as always for keeping us in your prayers.


Special Message For Our Friends and Family

Hello friends and family, I pray this newsletter finds you well in the Lord for the start of a new year! Makayla and I are beyond excited as this year represents so much to us both. We are believing God for incredible things and will be faithful in the labour, patient in the waiting, and expectant in the harvest of what God will bring for us all this year. 

We are all thankful for your sacrifices that allow us to be here, we pray that the Lord would double and triple the blessings back into your lives that you pour into ours. As I write I imagine a scene where all of us are sitting around the most beautiful dining table that eyes have ever laid upon and we are all toasting together in the presence of God our king sitting triumphantly at the head of the table. This is why we do what we do: for him. Because God is deserving of such a beautiful glory: of receiving worship from every tribe, every tongue, every people and every nation. 

We love you all and can’t wait to share all that God has ready..


The Gonzalez Family

(If you have i-message, you could also text these numbers) Makayla's contact (Whatsapp): +66 98 226 6201 Erik's contact (Whatsapp): +66 98 226 6648 or reply directly to this email.  

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Monthly costs: $2,300

One-time donations: $1710.11

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